Long one here. Its chock full of truth, justice, heroic deeds, and all that other stuff. The average internet troller has roughly the intelligence level of a 5yr old, the imagination of a wooden stump, and the energy of 50 cans of Rockstar energy drink. [edit: For those who don't know, Omegle.com is a chat site that instantly makes you talk to a complete stranger from somewhere in the world. This can be a recipe for many different things for many different people, but for me it is just a way to help make the time go by faster at work] Enjoy:
2890 users online
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Looking for someone you can chat with. Hang on.
You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
A word of advice: "asl" is boring. Please find something more interesting to talk about!
Stranger: PHUCK!
Stranger: How are you?
Stranger: proof your real
Stranger: say I heart penis
You: You are full of energy
Stranger: lmfao
You: and you spelled 'prove' wrong
Stranger: so!
Stranger: DONT JUDGE ME!
You: you are right, I shouldn't cast stones
Stranger: True.
Stranger: Cause I cast mofo bolders!
You: lol
Stranger: haha
Stranger: you touched my talala!
Stranger: dong*
You: 92% of conversations on here start with people saying 'cock'
Stranger: I rather say
Stranger: panis =
Stranger: =]
Stranger: HAHA
Stranger: cause panis is like soo much FUNNIER!
You: The interwebz iz a strnage place
Stranger: lmfao
Stranger: thats ok
Stranger: I have my boxers pulled up so high they go over my man boobs!
Stranger: W00T!
You: lol
Stranger: I totaly got a banana hamic going on here!
You: That is fantastic!
Stranger: I KNOW RIGHT?!?!
Stranger: its soo comfy!
You: I find them restrictive
Stranger: ahh
Stranger: well I have a tiny penis you see.
You: ah, room for improvement
Stranger: yup
Stranger: Its ok
You: strnage
Stranger: FUCK!
Stranger: MY PHONE IS FUCKING UP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Stranger: shit >>
You: I wouldn't know
Stranger: your right!
Stranger: lol
Stranger: I just restarted it =]
Stranger: cause im a mofo beast!
You: Let me guess, sprint?
Stranger: fuck no!
Stranger: AT&T
You: iphone?
Stranger: naw
Stranger: the new samsung 'The Jack'
You: mmmmm pepperjack
Stranger: yup
Stranger: its smexy as hell!
You: when its working
Stranger: true.
Stranger: Wow, haven my boxes pulled this high is really letting em air out, and im getting a bad whiff of NUTZ!
You: I just ice blocked straight through that comment
Stranger: lmfao
Stranger: well
Stranger: I'm just letting you know!
Stranger: gawshhh
Stranger: YAY!
Stranger: phone works nowwwwwwwww
Stranger: beast!
Stranger: SUPA FREAK!
Stranger: SUPA FREAKY!
You: spell reflect, double NUTZ for ya face
Stranger: Yeah
Stranger: um?
Stranger: totaly?
Stranger: WTF?!?!
You: Thats what I've been thinking this whole time too
Stranger: really now
Stranger: You have no life!
Stranger: haha!
You: that would be impossible for you to know
Stranger: no it wouldnt
Stranger: Due to the fac that I am you!
Stranger: fact*
Stranger: fuck
Stranger: you fail a lot!
You: very interesting
You: I see the truth of it
Stranger: Yes, very.
Stranger: very intriguing.
You: These internets are very powerful indeed
You: you just peered into my soul
Stranger: yes.
Stranger: I know.
Stranger: Deep stuff huh?
You: Are you a prophet?
Stranger: No
Stranger: Prophets are me.
You: Your clairvoyance is astounding
Stranger: Thank you.
You: you are welcome
Stranger: They don't call me chuck norris for nothing!
You: They call me Bill Brasky
You: I wear live rattlesnakes for condoms
Stranger: Ahh
Stranger: wow
Stranger: what a G!
Stranger: I'm so bad, fuck!
Stranger: I forgot the rest...
Stranger: thats how bad I am!
You: Michael Jackson even wrote a song about uit
You: *it
Stranger: I know this.
Stranger: I know all.
Stranger: All I know.
You: profound
Stranger: very.
You: The universe is your acorn
Stranger: no
Stranger: its my rosemarry.
You: Rosemary's Baby directed by Robert Evans?
Stranger: close.
Stranger: very close.
Stranger: more along the lines of RUSH.
You: Ah, now I understand
Stranger: very good mortal.
You: You are in the Limelight
Stranger: not at the moment.
Stranger: I'm in the crosshairs.
You: of the Germans?
Stranger: no
Stranger: I am German.
Stranger: I am asian
Stranger: I am Irish
Stranger: I am Indian
Stranger: I am all.
Stranger: no fuckin nigger though
You: In the crosshairs...of the media megaconglomerates?
Stranger: no
Stranger: In the crosshairs of socialism
Stranger: the fall of man kind as we know it.
Stranger: The one you call Obama
Stranger: Is the second comming of the AntiChrist.
You: Truth is stranger than fiction
Stranger: Truth is harder to Believe then fiction.
Stranger: Let your mind free.
Stranger: Lucid shall you become.
Stranger: Do not give Into the powers of the antichrist.
You: So, Obama is going to lead us in a worldwide genocide?
Stranger: YoYYou have been warned.
You: hmmm, I don't feel very murderous though. In fact, my 401k has almost doubled in the last four months.
Stranger: just wait...
Stranger: when time feels almost as bliss
Stranger: is when the true bein shall arise.
You: ...The calm before the storm...
Stranger: AH HELL NAW!
Stranger: the calm befor the nigger lover!
Stranger: FUCK! im bored!
You: it would appear we both are in the same predicament
Stranger: yes.
Stranger: Lol
Stranger: you seem to have a pretty vast vocabulary.
Stranger: Why on earth are you on here?
Stranger: seem intelegent enoguh lol
Stranger: enough*
You: amusement
Stranger: Ahh
Stranger: fair enough.
Stranger: Same.
Stranger: I just like fucking with people.
Stranger: HAHA
Stranger: Add them on myspace/facebook
Stranger: then delete them and call em ugly as fuck!
Stranger: and shit =]
You: So far I have gathered that you are smelling your own balls, and you think you are a god of some sort. Its all pretty fascinating
Stranger: lmfao
Stranger: great observation!
Stranger: but flawed logic my good sir.
Stranger: FUCK!
Stranger: I needa learn how to spell
Stranger: haha
You: bah
Stranger: its bad when your a sphmore in college and cant spell for shit!
You: yes
Stranger: sophmore*
Stranger: lmfao
Stranger: fuck
Stranger: thank for for spell check on my microsoft office!
You: it has saved many college lives
Stranger: yup.
Stranger: I would be doomed!
Stranger: plus my dragon naturally speaking 10.0
Stranger: lmfao
Stranger: I should pop that bitch in
Stranger: haha
You: you speak dragon?
Stranger: yes.
You: 10.0
Stranger: yup
Stranger: who doesnt?
You: I only speak dragon v7.2.4
Stranger: lmfao foreal?
Stranger: fag!
Stranger: upgrade dat shit
Stranger: nigga
You: Guess I am getting old
Stranger: very!
Stranger: v10.0
Stranger: has soo many neat features!
You: flame breaths?
Stranger: its more userfriendly
Stranger: yup
Stranger: and total dommination
Stranger: thats always a plus!
You: shit, I need to get some of that total domination upgrade
Stranger: fuck yeah you do!
Stranger: ITS THE SHIT!
Stranger: no lie!
Stranger: lfmao
Stranger: welp fuckin cunt nugget.
Stranger: I have class here in an hour.
You: I'll just walk around like fucking Trogdor
Stranger: So i needa get ready.
Stranger: wtf!
Stranger: you play runescape too?!?!
You: no, its from homestarrunner.com
Stranger: ohh
Stranger: fuck that shit!
Stranger: peace nigga!
Stranger: have fun trolling!
Stranger: I KNOW I DO!
Stranger: hahah!
Stranger: FINALY!
Stranger: yay!
Stranger: CUNT NUGGET!
Wednesday, August 26, 2009
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