Tuesday, September 22, 2009


Me... I hate my job

Cousin... I hear ya
Cousin... I need to do something else
Cousin... like away from insurance

Me... I’m starting to think sales would actually be fun

Cousin... I should have went to school to work for the DNR or something
Cousin... work outside

Me... work from...win the lottery

Cousin... That would be the best thing ever
Cousin... I would do whatever the hell I wanted to

Me... which would be absolutely nothing!

Cousin... play video games

Me... yes
Me... ride bikes
Me... throw water balloons
Me... punch midgets

Cousin... kill hookers

Me... drink Kool-Aid
Me... eat pudding pops
Me... pee anywhere

Cousin... light matches and throw them

Me... at people

Cousin... yes
Cousin... hunt for Sasquatch

Me... own a pet monkey

Cousin... go to Disneyworld

Me... get some bling

Cousin... teach the pet monkey to box

Me... make the pet monkey fight DMX

Cousin... drive a monster truck through a car dealership like in roadhouse
Cousin... steal DMX's bling

Me... poop off the sears tower

Cousin... I have to do that right now

Me... dig giant holes in the backyard for no reason at all

Cousin... plow under my cornfield and build a baseball diamond

Me... write a book of memoirs
Me... shoot a bazooka

Cousin... make a snowangel
Cousin... in a pile of cocaine

Me... name a rare species of spider after myself

Cousin... then kill all of them so they are extinct

Me... become a lobbyist
Me... live in a cave for 5 months

Cousin... bring back the McDonald's double cheeseburger
Cousin... steal some kid's bike

Me... and punch him in the stomach

Cousin... find a pirate ship

Me... find a treasure map

Cousin... then steal all of the jewels

Me... rob a bank
Me... have a huge gunfight in the streets

Cousin... shoot my gun in the air

Me... take my shirt off

Cousin... hahahahahaha
Cousin... da boss

Me... and then go fishing with a six pack